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5 main features in a face mask that give high protection

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  • 5 main features in a face mask that give high protection
Face Mask
16February 2021
  1. Filtration materials

There are a number of different materials are being used for instance cotton, polyester, and their blends. Some manufacturers used woven fabric or knitted fabric or some use nonwoven. Knitted fabric has stretchability gives good comfort but has poor filtration efficiency than woven fabric. The tightly woven fabric gives better filtration but breathability may be compromised. Filtration efficiency of nonwoven determined by grams per square meter and the type viz. spun-bond or meltblown. Fibers in melt-blown nonwovens have a smaller diameter than the spunbond, they possess a compact microfibrous structure and therefore give better filtration efficiency than spunbond nonwoven and woven fabric. In practice, manufacturers either use all nonwoven materials or woven materials in multilayers. Nanofibers, on the other hand, is the structure of a high-end material having fiber diameters that is less than 200 nanometers. Due to their finest structure, they give optimum filtration efficiency.


  1. Number of Layers

In practice, 3 to 4 layers masks are used to maximize efficiency. Textile fabric mask usually of 2 layers mask or sometimes just a single layers. Recently, the researcher obtained data for doubling a mask, which means two masks at a time gives more protection than wearing just a single mask.


  1. Bracing for fitting

Recent research suggests the mask should have a good fit. Some recommend having head loops that give a better fit than the ear loop. The size adjustment on-ear loop gives better flexibility to adjust loop length as per required fitting. Nose bridge, another important gadget to have on a mask. Nonwoven types of masks usually available with nose bridges but the manufacturer of textile fabric masks less often use them.


  1. Breathability

Breathable masks allow a person to use them for long hours. Also, old age persons can mask up for longer hours. Recent suggestion for doubling mask can improve the protection but it significantly reduces the breathability. An increasing number of layers also decreases the breathability. If the overall GSM of the materials being used is higher than 150, the breathability may be compromised. Nanofiber materials layers if used in the mask can give high breathability without compromising protection.


  1. Anti-splash

Japanese research suggests a microdroplet from sneeze floats in the air for about 20 minutes and can be transmitted. The mask front layer should be hydrophobic to block such microdroplets from penetration.




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